
I’ve meant to post them earlier, but all of my e-mails lately begin, “Oh my Lord I am so sorry.” Let’s face it: that’s how most of my e-mails begin. I am always behind. But here they are. They’re nice, and I’m grateful.
I’m truly terrible at updating anything. I’m on Twitter so often I think it gives me a false sense of being current.
So! This week I will be in California.
I’m reading at UC Davis on Thursday, May 15th, at 7:30.
Then, on Friday, May 16, I’ll be at Copperfield’s in Petaluma.
Next week, I’ll be home in New England!
I’m very excited to be at River Run Bookstore in Portsmouth, NH, on Tuesday, May 20th.
And at the delightful Porter Square Books On Wednesday, May 21st, in conversation with my old pal Paul Harding.
& finally at Newtonville Books, in my old home town, with Patry Francis, on Thursday, May 22nd.
Coming soon: readings in Nashville at Parnassus Books and in Iowa City at Prairie Lights.
I am feeling clumsier than usual, here in prepublication land. The last time I published a book was six years ago; the last time I published a book of fiction was–good grief!–thirteen years ago. I am rusty at all this, is what I’m saying, and also things have changed.
Nevertheless, here are two nice reviews, both starred:
I’ll be going to a handful of bookstores in a handful of cities, & I’m pretty sure they’ll include Boston, San Francisco, & Iowa City.
Well! This is my new website, and this is the space where I’ll announce upcoming readings, etc. & I happen to have one! I’m reading for the Corpus Christi Literary Reading Series on September 28, 7-9 at the Art Museum of South Texas.
If you are looking for more of me, I’m on Twitter pretty often.